Judge Chad Jenkins
3500 Edgar Brown Drive; Orange, Texas 77630
Phone: (409) 882-7805 Fax: (409) 882-7808
COURT CLERK: Kinley Wolfford
COURT CLERK: Sandra Reay
E-mail: jp2@co.orange.tx.us
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8AM - 4:30PM, Closed for Lunch 12 - 1
Friday 8AM - 4PM, Closed for Lunch 12 - 1
Click here to Pay Citation Online | |
Click here for JP2 Forms |
Texas Rules of Civil Procedure - Justice Courts Rule 500-510 |
Texas Rules of Evidence |
Youth Diversion Plan |
Legal advice can only be obtained from an attorney.
The Code of Judicial Conduct prohibits a Judge or court staff from "practicing law" (giving legal advice). The Code further prohibits the Justice of the Peace from engaging in communications concerning the merits of a pending judicial proceeding, or the merits of an impending claim or dispute.
Our Court Clerks are trained in procedure only, and cannot give any legal advice. This is for the clerk's protection as well as your own. The procedural instructions are the only information you will receive from this office.
You should seek professional, licensed, legal counsel for advice.
When speaking with the judge in a Texas Justice Court, the proper address is "Yes, your honor","No, your honor". Stand when you speak to the judge (unless the judge says it is ok for you to sit). Don't interrupt the judge. Listen to what the judge is saying and then respond if appropriate.
Obey the judge's bailiff's instructions and speak loudly so that the judge's clerk present can hear.
In ALL Justice Courts proper dress is required. All requirements pertain to both adult and juvenile males and females unless otherwise noted. Failure to comply may result in the resetting of the case to a later date, or in the extreme, contempt of court:
-- Shoes are required.
-- No sleeveless shirts
-- No shorts (women are permitted to wear dress shorts with hosiery)
-- No exposed midriffs
-- No clothing displaying offensive words or pictures (the Court retains the exclusive right to define "offensive" on an individual basis.)
-- No hats (exception: religion)
-- Cleanliness. (If necessary, washrooms are available in the building)
-- Officers of the court are held to the higher standards generally recognized in Texas Courts.