Victim Assistance Coordinator

Rebecca Patterson Smith

Victim Assistance Coordinator
Bachelor of Science Texas Christian University (2002)
Employed by Orange County District Attorney: 2010

Orange County is continuously confronted by the challenges encountered by residents of the community who are victimized by violent crime, specifically those who are victimized by domestic violence.

Due to this problem, the fundamental mission of Mrs. Smith is to ensure quality services are provided to these victims of crime who ultimately suffer from varied aspects of trauma and burden. 

Mrs. Smith serves as a resource for active advocacy and personal assistance and will provide a wide array of services to victims by phone, in person, and mail.

These services include providing clients with information and assistance with Texas Crime Victims' Rights, Crime Victims' Compensation, the criminal justice system, victim impact statements, case status information, courtroom familiarization and accompaniment for criminal court and Protective Order proceedings, and post conviction services. 

General Information
Phone Numbers
(409) 883-6764
Emergencies: Dial 911
Mon - Fri
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Mon - Fri
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm