Discusses all services for seniors living in Texas, outlines helpful city and state programs, and allows users to find the best assisted living facilities in their community. | |
U.S. Department of Labor site for administrative law decisions on various labor laws. |
Site containing text of all labor statutes and regulations enforced by U.S. Department of Labor. |
Has all the information on OSHA you could ever want. |
All the IRS/tax information you might need. |
Library of Congress site that serves as a gateway to a world of state, federal and international agency sites. |
Links to all Texas government sites, including legislative information. |
Contains information concerning Persian Gulf Registry. |
The White House |
America's Job Bank |
Contains information concerning VA health-care eligibility. |
Texas Veterans Commission web site which includes a listin gof all TVC offices, County Service Offices, VA facilities having jurisdiction in Texas, state benefits (including the Hazelwood Act) and other information. The TVC also has links to other state agencies; e.g., the Higher Education Coordinating Board and the Veterans Land Board. In the future, TVC hopes to add links and e-mail addresses for the County Service Offices, and listings and links to all State veterans affairs offices nationwide as they become available. |
The definitive Texas legislative information site. |
Click on "Business Owners Issues and Services" for a listing of several dozen employment law articles for downloading; back issues of Texas Business Today are there as well, including a back issue index. |
Very extensive links and information site focusing on employee benefits issues. |
Society for Human Resources Management with links to other agencies. |
The American Legion |
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. |
Disabled American Veterans |
Vietnam Veterans of America |
Index of web pages containing information about the military and military organizations. |
Our mission is to provide consistent access to healthy, nutritious meals for veterans under age 60, who are struggling financially. |